

Carl Rogers’ person-centered approach is an extremely important influence in psychotherapy. It is based on the humanistic principles on empathy, congruency, and unconditional positive regard towards the patient. The greatest emphasis here is proving a safe psychological environment where the client is capable of freely bringing up their emotional struggles without judgments.


Cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) is a gold-standard psychological treatment, empirically validated, for a series of psychological disorders especially depression and anxiety. It is a collaborative approach where patient and therapist work on dysfunctional cognitions, behaviors, and emotions that may be causing suffering to the patient. Collaborative empiricism occurs under the framework of the humanistic principles on congruency, empathy, and unconditional positive regard towards the patients.


Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an empirically validated psychotherapy modality for patients suffering with intense emotional dysregulation. It utilizes mindfulness principles to help patients build a life worth living. DBT also aims to teach patients mindfulness skills, distress tolerance skills, emotion regulation skills and interpersonal effectiveness skills. It is based on the dialectical tension of acceptance vs. change to guide patient through the middle path of life.

Schema Therapy

Schema Therapy (ST) is an integrative modality of psychotherapy. It is considered an expansion of CBT’s classic cognitive model, incorporating experiential and imagery techniques. It is recommended for refractory cases when patients do not respond to traditional CBT. This therapeutic modality aims to fulfill patients’ emotional needs that have not been met by their primary care givers in childhood. This happens within the boundaries of a collaborative therapeutic relationship.